Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Follow Your Own Path

For me the quote on the left has a very deep meaning. What if the course you are on isn't one you decided upon, but instead a path that was set for you? Maybe you don't even know? 

What if your dreams got lost in the shuffle? ...you may have spent your entire adult life following a course of action that leads to a goal that isn't even yours, or what you really want.

Take a moment to examine the path you are on and consider the following:

  • Are you following your dreams? ...or perhaps someone else's?
  • Does the course you have taken lead to a goal that is achievable?
  • Is it your goal? ...or could you be following a path that someone else has set for you? (maybe a parent, friend, or mentor?)

Sometimes we find ourselves following a path that was developed out of some misguided idea or perception of what we are supposed to "be" or "achieve"; often without our full awareness or consent.

It may be helpful to consider what achieving the goal may bring you; and maybe more importantly, what it will cost?

Is the goal worth what you might be giving up to achieve it? (family, love, happiness -- versus -- money, career, achievement)

And finally, is the goal or final result really what you want?  If not, it might be time to re-evaluate.


  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to say that I am now at a point in my life where I want to find my own path. I feel my mother has told me what to do all my life. And especially when it comes to choice of study. I have applied to nursing school, but I don`t know if that is what I want. Or if it is even suitable for me. I am a very sympatheic person, but I don`t get goosebumps when I think about it. But I do get goosebumps when I think about starting my own business.
    What should I do?

    1. Hello Julie,

      Thank you for your comment. It sounds like you have the makings of an entrepreneur, but first you must decide what you are passionate about. Take some time to think about what interests you and what makes you fill fulfilled. Then look at that specific career field for ideas on how to educate yourself, if you don't already have the knowledge necessary to be successful. There are a lot of great non-profit groups out there that can help. Consider looking up SCORE in your area. There should also be a local chamber or small business association that can provide a wealth of information for small business startups, like yourself, or at least point you towards other free or low cost resources. Your local library should also carry some great books focused on starting your own business and tips for small business success. Best of luck to you, and please keep us updated on your progress.


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Barbara A. Daniels